Journal entry #17: Fluctuating morals... I know I"ve totally forsaken this blog. Three months and no entries. It is easy to write wh...
lawrence |
2010.04.13. - 00:24:30 | 2195 2 0
Journal entry #16: Fetishes... What is the thing with fetishes on this website?Has anyone noticed that recently there"s been a surg...
lawrence |
2009.12.02. - 02:21:36 | 2178 0 0
Journal entry #15: The World AIDS Day... It is December, 1st. The World HIV/AIDS Day.What does this day mean to me?I was thinking about it......
lawrence |
2009.12.01. - 21:56:39 | 2195 0 0
Journal entry #14: My loony bun is fine Benny Lava! BEEJAY!... Ok. Maybe, I should drink less. Maybe, I should procrastinate less. Maybe, a combination of both. Bu...
lawrence |
2009.11.24. - 03:06:05 | 2337 3 0
Journal entry #13: Take That - Revisited... This blog entry is influenced by the recent meeting of Robbie Williams and Take That on the same sta...
lawrence |
2009.11.14. - 23:57:45 | 2537 0 0
Journal entry #12: Your profile picture sucks!... Just a quick note before I sobered up.What is this thing with gay guys taking HORRENDOUS pictures of...
lawrence |
2009.11.09. - 23:00:51 | 2530 1 0
Journal entry #11: Non-boyfriend material... Not that anything I shall write now has relevance to my life. Nor does it stem from my experience. :...
lawrence |
2009.11.07. - 13:00:14 | 2030 1 0
Journal entry #10: Appearances are deceitful... Just thought I'd make a quick blog entry.Appearances are deceitful. We all know this, and yet us...
lawrence |
2009.11.05. - 00:32:33 | 2574 0 0
Journal entry #9: I live in a gay castle... This is bizarre. My life is bizarre.My life has rapidly changed from "I-am-gay-I-feel-great-about-it...
lawrence |
2009.10.11. - 15:24:55 | 2509 0 0
Сказка на ночь #2: Рыцари круглого стола... Сегодня я расскажу ещё одну непридуманную историю, почти неприукрашенную.Итак, вторая сказка на ночь...
lawrence |
2009.10.06. - 00:58:31 | 2443 0 0
Journal entry #8: Ways of life... Ways of life are strange.You know how sometimes you feel great, just great! Life is perfect, birds a...
lawrence |
2009.09.28. - 20:44:36 | 2115 0 0
Сказка на ночь #1: Шведская семья... Условие блога остаётся прежним: непременно надо быть в состоянии алкогольного опьянения (алкоголь, н...
lawrence |
2009.09.25. - 21:36:56 | 3327 1 0
Journal entry #7: Coming out... So I came out... Not in Riga, my sad hometown. Obviously not there. The Latvian society is really n...
lawrence |
2009.09.23. - 21:09:02 | 1900 0 0
Journal entry #6: Тыц тыц. I am a robot.... I've never been a fan of t.A.T.u. (to say the least). I didn't like them exploiting the imag...
lawrence |
2009.09.17. - 11:31:52 | 2748 3 0
Journal entry #5: The rabbit story... Once upon a time in a hole in the ground lived a rabbit.It was a grey bunny with long ears and everl...
lawrence |
2009.09.15. - 20:39:51 | 2087 0 0
Journal entry #4: When you are young, drunk and happy... When you are young and happy, many things happen. Many things should happen. For when you are young,...
lawrence |
2009.09.09. - 00:24:54 | 2879 1 0
Journal entry #3: Homophobia among gays?... There are two things I never really understood about statistics on this website.1. When you access t...
lawrence |
2009.09.06. - 21:08:31 | 2281 0 0
Journal entry #2: Pathetic gays... Another night and drunk again. Good times. This means I have an obligation to write something I will...
lawrence |
2009.09.05. - 23:26:41 | 2277 1 0
Journal entry #1: Hot people in the gym... There is only one self-imposed rule when writing this blog: being drunk. Nothing else is required. D...
lawrence |
2009.09.05. - 00:55:24 | 2383 0 0