lawrence / Journal entry #3: Homophobia among gays?...

Journal entry #3: Homophobia among gays?

There are two things I never really understood about statistics on this website.

1. When you access the main page of, the website statistics usually says something like: "Users online: 369. Guests: 170. Registered users: 199." This always confuses me. So many people (170) are visiting the website this very moment but are actually not registered users? It is almost the same number as that of registered users (like you and me, people who send messages, write blogs, read anecdotes, search through hot people's profiles).

Clearly, very few straight people would visit this website and spend time here. Therefore, I assume that the absolute majority of those "guests" are gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people. What is their problem then? Why don't they click a couple of keys, register their profile and access all the website parts, which are closed for them otherwise? (Guests cannot read blogs, access most of the profiles, read discussions or ads) Aremany gaysin this country actually so repressed? So scared of being gay?

Do they think that registering a profile on this website will 'psychologically make them gay'? (Simply visiting the webiste does not?) Or are they concerned about secrecy? Well, they can modify privacy options, never post their picture, lie about their personal details if they want. I fail to understand why they visit as guests and do not register. It is irrational.

This is sort of distressing when your own people (= LGBT people) are actually ashamed of themselves and so repressed that they prefer to 'look' and have this passive position of mere observants than register, meet new friends and be more open about themselves. I find what they are doing a step away from actual homophobia.

2. Another interesting fact is that at this very moment there are more bisexuals registered on this website than gay men and women. "7947 bisexuals, 7382 gays and lesbians, and 1657 heterosexuals", according to the website information. This is really interesting because it seemed to me (I may be quite wrong on this) that generally there are more gay people than bisexual people. By 'bisexual' people here I mean 'actual bisexuals'. Not gays who tried straight sex a couple of times and therefore claim the title. :D

Therefore, there is a strong reason to suspect that many Latvian gays call themselves bisexuals. Why? Once again, are they ashamed of whothey are? Do they think that it is "more cool/stylish" to call yourself bisexual than gay? Do they think that if their straight friends find out about their sexuality, it won't be such a big blow to their career/personal standing if they get reputation for being "bi" than being "gay"?

My point is pretty much the same here. Being embarrassed as an individual about your sexuality is a psychological issue and such person requires help. I pity such people and wish them luck. However, when many people in the whole generation are ashamed of their sexuality (or let's put it this way - accept their sexuality but downplay it and do not embrace it fully) - well, unfortunately, this IS a degree of homophobia within the gay community.

What is worse: when some straight people call you fags and bully you, or when gay people are embarrassed of not being straight? I honestly don't know.

6 September 2009

Publicēja: lawrence
Datums: 06.09.2009. - 21:08:31
Lasīts (reizes): 2281
Komentāri: 0
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