lawrence / Journal entry #8: Ways of life...

Journal entry #8: Ways of life

Ways of life are strange.

You know how sometimes you feel great, just great! Life is perfect, birds are chirping, starts are shining. Your friends love you and you know this. Your prospects for the future/next couple of months/the upcoming night are great. You feel fantastic, look gorgeous - you know this and everyone else knows this. Everything is perfect: every single small thing. You got an important e-mail, your restaurant meal was actually delicious, a sad woman who always sits on the bench near the church at 11am smiled at you for the first time. You know... such little things that make a perfect day.

And then sometimes the day is just shit. I mean, really really bad day. You have a flu, you feel and look sick and absolutely disgusting. Your friends ignore you, and so do your colleagues at work. You trip and tear your pants, you go on Facebook only to discover that no one left you any messages in a day's time 'cos apparently no one cares.

Well, you know what I mean. We all have our good days and bad days.

Isn't it strange that when a day is good, it tends to be 'perfect' - everything is great and just adds up to utter awesomeness. Whereas a bad day is often 'perfectly bad' - lousy news seem to be going down as an avalanche, and when you think a day cannot get any worse, something truly crappy happens and your life hits all-times low.

And, also, sometimes a good and a bad day happen within the same 24 hrs. You start your day as a rock star and finish it as a complete loser. All the good stuff finds you in the first half of the day, and then the second part of the day is just a "series of unfortunate events". Why do things happen in a certain logical sequence as if someone is having fun up there?

So yeah, just reflecting on a bizarre manner, in which the universe works. Ways of life are incomprehensible to us, mortals...

Publicēja: lawrence
Datums: 28.09.2009. - 20:44:36
Lasīts (reizes): 2116
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