lawrence / Journal entry #16: Fetishes...

Journal entry #16: Fetishes

What is the thing with fetishes on this website?

Has anyone noticed that recently there"s been a surge of new advertisements from... eh, well people who enjoy some extraordinary stuff?

I do not have anything against ... "innocent fetishes", the ones that are harmless to one"s psyche and physique. Like, medical or firemen"s uniforms, or the cowboy-cowgirl fantasies. I find it funny that some people may get turned on by this but I certainly respect their right to do whatever they want in the privacy of their bedrooms. And if that means spanking each other while enacting Suleyman the Turk and obedient Roksolana the Ukrainian, well, let it be so. :D

I recently discovered that one of the very close friends of mine (a very masculine straight-acting guy) had a thing for leggings. I have been laughing for three days, totally accepted it and now completely over it. No one is safe from fetishes, it seems. You can"t control it. You do what you have to.

Apparently... apparently, I am not sure about this... fetishes are REALLY common. Like, more common than having no fetishes?

Which effectively means that no-fetish guys may find themselves as a minority. Therefore, we cannot really impose our own values and judge on the basis of our values if the fetishes are so common. We should shut the fuck up and hide our "normality" not to be abused by all the fetishists, while secretly admiring how normal we are.

I do have a problem with ... "disgusting fetishes" though. I really do not want to describe this but I guess it is clear what I mean here. Something so unnatural that usually such fetishes are kept secret and never told anyone, and can only be openly manifested in the photo-less name-less profiles on the websites like this one.

The question here is... is it acceptable? Pedophilia is not acceptable on moral grounds. One could argue though that pedophilia is as inherently "built in" as heterosexuality, homosexuality or love for fetishes. Disgusting fetishes are also something some people like because well... they were born like this. We cannot judge them for their nature. We can judge them for what they are doing. Right?

So is it acceptable?

I am sorry. I find this whole thing so disgusting that I think those people should really be... treated as patients in some sort of medical facilities? True, "disgusting fetishists" don"t harm anyone else unlike child molesters... and this is why I didn"t say they should be imprisoned or cast away. Just treated.


A good friend of mine told me recently that I was a judgmental son of a bitch (he was admiring and judging at the same time). I think he may be right...

1 December 2009

Publicēja: lawrence
Datums: 02.12.2009. - 02:21:36
Lasīts (reizes): 2179
Komentāri: 0
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