- moterimi Nuo: 30 iki 52 metų Pažinties tikslas: Įvairiapusiam bendravimui.
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Apie mane
A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone.” Once you fully realize your own skills and abilities, you’ll no longer need to ask someone else to give you the world.
2024.10.03. - 22:30:31
komentavo įrašą bloge Vai ir vērts? Tu jai zini ko esi pelnījusi. Nesamierinies ar drupačām. Lieki izšķied laiku. Meklē to, ko esi pelnījusi, jo izsalkums pēc tā ko vēlies, tikai augs! P...
2021.07.12. - 15:29:21
pakeitė profilio tekstą A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone.” Once you fully realize your own skills and a...