

СтранаСоединенные Штаты Америки
ГородLos Angeles
Знак зодиакаСкорпион
Сексуальная ориентацияГомосексуал
Познакомлюсь с - мужчиной
В возрасте от: 24 до 32 лет
Цель знакомства: Серьезные отношения/брак.
Языки - I speak English
Обо мне
I am a guy - a nice, decent guy. I am a son and big brother. I strive to be a great friend. I am an educator. I am a helper. I am a learner. I analyze interactions. I will remember WHAT you said and HOW you said it. I multi-task. I am empathetic. I am not a morning person. I love animals. I don’t eat them, but it’s alright if you do. I think about what I say, so it may take some time to get it out. I match my shoes to my clothes. I like rollerblading on the beach at sunset. I love laughing. I talk to my pets and they answer back. I am NEVER bored. I go to Disneyland a lot because I have an annual pass. I am a fan of alliteration. I drive a Camry named Kameron. I fell down a mountain in Thailand. I get text message happy when I drink. He suddenly talks about himself in third person. I can be random. I am just Peter... and I’m stoked about that.

So I have a full time (and then some) career in education, happily working at a community college for over a decade now. Nice gig. I coordinate a major program and teach part time. I’m also a grad student in sociology, a TA, and trying to finish my thesis (Beware of the fickles!). Yea, I’m pretty busy, but I still like to have fun and enjoy the many marvels of Southern California. I’m ultra close to my family, my pets, and of course, my best friends. People always ask me how I can have so many "best" friends, but I respond with this: I’m lucky. It makes such a big difference having people that I could run to with anything, but then turn around and goof off with. Even a trip to the supermarket can be a blast with the right mix of people. Maybe I know a lot of great people, but that doesn’t mean I can’t focus one on one. I try not to expect, but I do have a lot of hope. Sometimes you have to go through so much, but you always gotta stick it out to be around when things are better (whick you gotta make ’em). I try to not only look, but live on the bright side. A negative attitude doesn’t help an already dismal situation, it just prevents you from realizing the solution. I have a lot of ambition, and yea, goals are important, but so is taking some time now and then to really know yourself and give yourself some much needed credit.
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