

Touch me, touch me, don’t be sweet
Zodiac signTaurus
Sexual orientationHomosexual
I am looking for - man
From: 18 till 80 years of age
I am available for: Friendship.
Languages - Aš kalbu lietuviškai
- I speak English
- Я говорю по-русски
More about me
I’m the giggle at a funeral
Recent activity
goldinmyveins | 26.08.2015. - 19:54:17
uploaded main photo:
goldinmyveins | 25.06.2015. - 13:27:46
uploaded a new photo
goldinmyveins | 05.06.2015. - 11:57:24
uploaded a new photo
goldinmyveins | 21.03.2015. - 10:12:11
is currently located in Vilnius (Lithuania)
goldinmyveins | 19.03.2015. - 23:07:14
uploaded a new photo
goldinmyveins | 29.09.2014. - 18:03:41
is currently located in Liverpool (United Kingdom)
goldinmyveins | 23.07.2014. - 11:22:06
uploaded a new photo
goldinmyveins | 02.07.2014. - 18:51:33
uploaded a new photo
goldinmyveins | 24.03.2014. - 09:36:00
Touch me, touch me, don’t be sweet
goldinmyveins | 21.03.2014. - 13:17:57
uploaded a new photo
goldinmyveins | 13.03.2014. - 12:40:29
Į širdį per pilvą
goldinmyveins | 01.02.2014. - 10:24:01
Kaip krutai! Man sitas saitas padovanojo vip saskaita! :D
goldinmyveins | 25.01.2014. - 12:22:52
Juk nesikandžioju
goldinmyveins | 22.01.2014. - 21:21:22
Fake that bunny
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