jurcix / nu kautkaa taaa... ...

nu kautkaa taaa...

Man patik, ka dzied Sara Braitmena ,un vinai ir dziesma Captain Nemo. Tas man atsauc atmina Zhaku Ivu Kusto, dizho okeanografu. Tapec izdomaju vinus savienot sajaa dzejolii. Tas viss notika kautkaa taaa...

Captain Nemo`s going home,

He`s conquered Calypso, he`s conquered Rome.

Though his posture stands so strict,

His sincere eyes the toughness contradict.

And he closes his eyelids in a trance

Inviting Sarah Brightman to a dance.

She carves with her heels the polished deck ,

Devouring the music in refrain, what the heck.

And I might be Nemo,his son, or next to him,

Or simply an aggregate floating interim.

Oh, Jacques Yves, I guess jealous you turn,

The frothing sea quenching your heartburn.

By Jurcix,dec2008

Поместил(а): jurcix
Опубликовано: 08.12.2008. - 11:49:25
Прочитано (раз): 3149
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