
atostogos... gay nad lesbian friendly??

oxo | 01.05.2008. - 01:23:25 | Дискуссия прочитана 2483 раз

gal kas nors gali patarti kur yra geros gay/lesbian vietos atostogoms?
Ответы (1)
mensa | 01.05.2008. - 08:03:47

Taip, pvz: Kanada :0)
Lesbo sala
Gay Kruizines keliones
Zoom Vacations: 5 Night Guatemala Gay & Lesbian Tour
ATLANTIS (www.atlantisevents.com)

Barcelona to Rome Cruise aboard Navigator of the Seas
Barcelona to Rome
July 5-13, 2008
The largest all-gay cruise ever to sail to Europe will leave sunny Barcelona with 3,200 passengers on board the popular Navigator of the Seas: a floating palace with an ice skating rink, rock climbing wall, huge promenade and capacious deck space. Atlantis’ famed social schedule makes good use of the ship’s five-story theatre, ’50s style diner, casino, cinema, restaurants and bars for everything from cabaret to concerts. Massive outdoor parties and themed tea dances fill decks every night, as the ship sails from Barcelona to Marseilles and Provence, then on to Capri, Santorini and Mykonos.

Grazios Keliones :0)

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