blondaizgreex / This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated...

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
Publicēja: blondaizgreex
Datums: 07.04.2007. - 19:28:15
Lasīts (reizes): 3310
Komentāri: 2
0 cilvēkiem patīk šis blogs
Komentāri (2)
blondaizgreex | 07.06.2010. - 18:08:48
hushhhhhhh.. it hurts to imagine these things m =)
bafija1987 | 07.06.2010. - 17:44:58
the name is love.Wen love is gone we tray delet from mind buth we cant becoz is to meny god times
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