blondaizgreex / my billy. my talent....

my billy. my talent.

She reads a book from across the street,
Waiting for someone that she'll never meet.
Talk over coffee for an hour or two,
She wonders why I'm always in a good mood.
Killin' time before she struts her stuff,
She needs support and I've become the crutch.
She'll never know how much she means to me.
I'd play the game but I'm the referee.

Surrender every word, every thought every sound.
Surrender every touch, every smile, every frown.
Surrender all the pain we've endured until now.
Surrender all the hope that I lost you have found.
Surrender yourself to me.

Even though I know what I'm lookin' for,
She's got a brick wall behind her door.
I'd travel time and confess to her,
But I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger.

I think I found a flower in a field of weeds,
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds.
Searching until my hands bleed,
This flower don't belong to me.
This flower don't belong to me.
Why could she belong to me?

Publicēja: blondaizgreex
Datums: 24.03.2007. - 23:47:15
Lasīts (reizes): 3426
Komentāri: 2
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Komentāri (2)
blondaizgreex | 28.08.2010. - 08:09:47
man patik bilijs. vina dziesmas ir tadas savadakas- ar savu speku. un var izveleties vardus pec sava noskanojuma. billy rocks m..
zambarau | 25.08.2010. - 23:20:31
nedrošajiem noteikti nepieder pasaule. a ko padarīsi? skumji..
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