emiilijaf / Atradu beidzot labu lezbieš-orientētu žurnālu par dzīvi...

Atradu beidzot labu lezbieš-orientētu žurnālu par dzīvi

Īpaši piesaistīja šī intervija:


What kind of work do we need to do as a community?

It is so important to have tight-knit communities of gay and lesbian people who support each other. That is why [for] gay and lesbian people, their [birth] families are not necessarily their primary families. Instead, it is their gay and lesbian friends, because we feel more accepted among people who are like us than among people who are different than us and who have a history of rejecting us, whether that be our families of origin, or the world outside. We need to stick together to empower each other and make each other feel like we do belong somewhere.

I think there is nothing worse than feeling like we don’t belong in the world. But there are places you can go where there are people like you, members of the community you know, who think that you are not an outcast.

I think we need to do a better job of reaching out and asserting our presence. We are here to help, we are a community and we would love for you to be a part of it. ...

Kopsavilkums - žēl, ka Rīgas meiteņu sabiedrības atbalsts ir virspusējs, aktivitātes neregulāras. notiek cepšanās par muļķībām, veidojas nelielas domubiedru grupiņas, kas laivo, dodas pārgājienos, bet rodas iespaids, ka katra ir tomēr pati par sevi. Ārzemēs ir citādi.
Publicēja: emiilijaf
Datums: 02.10.2010. - 10:06:15
Lasīts (reizes): 2254
Komentāri: 2
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Komentāri (2)
emiilijaf | 05.10.2010. - 09:46:56
Jaa, piekriitu. Tikai vai nav skumji, ka hetero sievietes driizaak breekaas par dziivnieku izmantoshanu un beerniem Aafrikaa, bet tikai kkur n-tajaa vietaa par LGBT statusu maajaas?
dianasw | 05.10.2010. - 07:11:02
aarzemees ir citaadi, bet lieta taada, ka latvijaa cilveeki veel nav gatavi shaadaam atbalstam. Aarzemees shaados pasaakumos piedalaas ne tikai homo, bet arii hetero. Biezji vien hetero arii ir tie, kas uzsaak shaadas organizaacijas, jo vinji ne tikai atbalsta savaados, bet arii ir pret jebkaadiem cilveeku tiesiibu paarkaapumiem
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