newfound-1 / jā....


we should be so careful who we left out of our lives.
Publicēja: newfound-1
Datums: 15.06.2010. - 19:54:58
Lasīts (reizes): 2582
Komentāri: 2
0 cilvēkiem patīk šis blogs
Komentāri (2)
newfound-1 | 01.07.2010. - 13:44:26
May say so.
There`s a time, when people can be very stubborn. Because of stupid, selfish and unimportant things
we can lose something or somebody-a good friend and much more.
a moment`s thought, song inspired.
lovemeorleaveme | 01.07.2010. - 01:09:21
for self-security reasons?..
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